Thrive Pathway Activity 8

Meet People Around You


You live in a society where people are often busy and distracted. Smart phones have made it easy to isolate yourself from other people when in public. Southcliff’s value of “people matter” starts by reaching out to people around you. Christ takes the initiative and loves people before they have ever heard of Him. You are to follow this example. Christians are to be the ones in society who take risks in order to meet new people and share God’s love with them. For some people, this is easy. For others, it is difficult. Yet, no matter whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, God has challenged you to take the gospel to people wherever you go, and this begins by meeting new people.


1 John 4:19 (NIV)
"We love because he first loved us."


Make time to meet people that you don’t know when at Southcliff, out in your community, or at work. Make it a goal to meet one new person when you are out in the community.

Sit in a new area of the auditorium when at church. Talk with someone at church each week that you do not know and get to know their names.

More Pathway activities on this topic:

#15 Pray for non-believers
#33 Know your neighbors
#25 Memorize and understand Matthew 28:18-20
#52 Invite people to join your Grow Group
#56 Invite others to serve in ministry
#59 Join and attend groups with non-believers

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(817) 924-2241

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