Thrive Pathway Activity 47

Share Your Faith Story

Sharing your faith story means telling someone about how you became a Christian. It can be a great way to encourage other believers and show non-believers how God has worked and is working in your life.


1 Peter 3:15
"Set apart Christ as Lord in your hearts, and if anybody asks why you believe as you do, be ready to tell him, and do it in a gentle and respectful way."


  • You should realize it is important to let others know what Jesus means to you and how you became a Christian.
  • You are encouraged to write down your story with several sections: Your life before Christ, how you found out about Jesus, how being a Christian has made a difference in your life. Then, tell your story to people who come into your life.
  • You, as does everyone, will have opportunities to tell people about how you became a Christian.
  • You may know someone who is in a crisis, and they might ask you about Jesus.
  • You may be asked why you live your life as you do when someone observes something positive about your life.
  • You may simply sense that God is prompting you to share Christ with someone you know or with whom you might come in contact.

For more Thrive Pathway activities on this topic:

#7 Memorize and understand John 3:16
#13 Have spiritual conversations with others
#15 Pray for non-believers
#39 Develop your Faith Story
#50 Learn ‘one verse’ evangelism
#53 Have spiritual conversations with non-believers

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